Pathways for Just Transitions: Gender Responsive Policies and Place Based Investment
This article discusses the importance of gender responsive polcies and place based investment for a just transition to a low-carbon economy. Gives […]
Catalyzing Green Finance: A Concept for Leveraging Blended Finance for Green Development
Provides a conceptual framework to understand green finance and its potential to support sustainable development. It highlights need for public policies and […]
Strategy for Leveraging Agent Networks for Women’s Financial Inclusion
This article discusses the intersectionality between gender, finance,and climate and argues that investing in women is a large component in mitigating climate […]
Gender Action Plan for E-Mobility Financing Program
This report proposes the creation of a new entity called Adaption Accelorator to bridge the gap in funding for climate adaptation in […]
Greening India’s Financial Markets: Opportunities for a Green Bank in India
Explores the potential for a green bank in India to mobilize private sector investment in clean energy and addressing bariers to scaling […]
Gender Equality in Climate Action: Women at the Core
Discusses the intersection between gender equality and climate action, highlighting the importance of integrating gender considerations into climate solutions. The report suggests […]
Gender Equality and Sustainable Development: World Survey on the Role of Women in Development
Reports on women’s perspectives and experiences related to geender equality and the Sustainable Development Goals. Provides findings from a survey conducted by […]
Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2022)
This article discusses the intersectionality between gender, finance,and climate and argues that investing in women is a large component in mitigating climate […]
Leveraging South-South Cooperation to Finance the SDGs
Discusses the potential of SSC to support financing the SDGs. Argues that traditional sources of development finance are insufficient to meet the […]
Financial Inclusion of Women: Current Evidence from India
This article explores that current state of women in finance in India. They find that women in India historically have been excluded […]
“A Framework for Enhancing Gender and Poverty Integration in Climate Finance”
This article presents a framwork that aims to guide policy makers in designing and implementing climate finance initiatives that address gender and […]
Launch of Greening of Finance by Women (GroW)
Title Launch of Greening of Finance by Women (GroW) Date April 5, 2023 Description The Greening of Finance by Women (GroW) Network […]